Delivering Intentional Excellence

Speaker: Welcome to Keynotes, a
podcast just for Casago homeowners.

This is where we explore how to get
the most out of your relationship with

Casago, learn tips and tricks on how
to make more income with your property,

and learn a little bit about the short
term rental industry along the way.

I've been a vacation rental nerd since
my 20s, and the team has finally let

me have this podcast so I can share
everything I've learned with you.

I'm your host, Steve Schwab,
and this is Keynotes.

Hey, welcome to Keynotes.

My name's Steve Schwab.

I'm your host . Today I'm
with JB and Ilona from Casago,

Henderson and Las Vegas.

Guys, welcome to the show.

Thanks for having us, Steve.

Speaker 2: Thank you, Steve.

Speaker: So glad to have you guys.

I'm excited to be able to talk to you.

A little bit of background and disclosure.



was actually my platoon
sergeant in the Army.

Speaker 3: That was a great time.

Actually, Bravo Company, first
Ranger battalion, so it wasn't

just the Army, it was the Special

Speaker: Operations Army, Steve.

That's right, and it was an amazing
time and certainly life changing

for me, directionally changing for
me, and your leadership was a big

part of that, so thank you for that.

Speaker 3: It was great to be with
you, and we served in a company of

Speaker: heroes.

Yeah, didn't we?

Some amazing men gathered together.

I always talk about that.

And Ilona, you have an amazing
background with your athleticism.

You were a professional athlete.

Can you tell us a little bit about that?

Speaker 2: Yes, I came from a little town
in Ukraine on the Black Sea called Odessa.

I born there and I start skating.

figure skating and I moved to United
States when I was 25 years old and become

a professional figure skating coach.

After building my business, my
coaching business in United States for

about 30 years, I decided to retire.

and start my new career in
the real estate business.

So, me and my husband, G.

B., decided to go to vacation
property management with Casago.

And it was great experience.

I changed my life completely for that.

And I'm very happy I did that.

My skating coaching business is
very similar as with the vacation

rental business because in both
businesses you need to stay organized,

disciplined, and attached to details.

It's very important in skating
to be attached to details.

As I was working As choreographer,
and it's very important to, to

look at the program on a different
perspective, different sides to

clean up the program with expression,
with head movement, with hands

movement, same in property management.

Now, when I'm designing homes, I
have to be very detail oriented

how I want to design it.

And it's actually helping me.

With my new business, uh, to
stay organized, disciplined,

and lead my company.

Same way as I lead my skating career,
because I was working with the team of

coaches and I was leading them to help
this young athletes and their parents.

So I build my team around me.

Same as I'm building my team around me now
with my maintenance people and cleaning

team and supervisors and designers.

So it's very similar for me what I
did before and what I'm doing now.

And that's why our company
is going to be successful.

Speaker: Yeah, you know, you
both come from such a disciplined

and structured background.

And with organization, I feel like it's
like, The perfect power couple in property

management because something that we
always say is the big things are easy.

It's the small things that
make the difference and they're

the hard things to do, right?

And so when it comes to whether
figure skating and making sure that

you're hitting that pose or that,
you know, whatever that spin is.

just exactly right for the judges or
whether you're running a complex special

operations mission like you did, John.

Both of those lend themselves to the
idea of making sure that you have a

perfectly clean property that is in
great condition and you're taking

care of that and being the steward
of the property for those homeowners.

Would you guys agree with that?

Speaker 3: I agree 100%.

Everything Ilona said, I just
want to caveat a few things.

One, she failed to mention that she was a
world champion, which I think set her on

this path of success because the detail
and the commitment you need to become a

world champion and then a professional
athlete and then a professional coach.

That is the, uh, symbol of excellence
for what we're doing at Casago now.

Her creativity, I think blends very well
with my like military regimented system.

I think that's why that we, we
can look at things and solve

problems when they come up.

And give people, homeowners, when they
go with us, they see us as real people.

And we're not trying to like, hustle this
to sell it, or it's just the next house.

Like, we have this commitment
to excellence with them.

And we want to take the homeowner
on a journey, and we want to be

that steward of their property.

Yeah, to take something off their plate
when they're busy doing other things, they

want to have these investment properties
and they wanted to go well, but it's also

of giving the guest experience because I
think sometimes, you know, that is miss.

Guests go into some other
properties and they're like, you

know, wow, I'm paying whatever,
four or 500 a night for something.

And this isn't it.


Speaker: I mean, you both obviously
exude that humble professionalism.

You're a very modest woman when it comes
to not speaking about like all the amazing

things you've done, but it's a good thing.

We have John here to bribe you up
and make sure that everybody gets to

know what an amazing human you are.

And speaking of guests experiences, we
have something we call owner centric and

I've always believed making sure that.

Guests have amazing hospitality
is in its own way, serving the

homeowner and elevating the homeowner.

Like he has to talk to the philosophy
of owner centric, which is something

that we talk about often in Casago.

And what does it mean to you guys and
how do you implement it day to day?

Speaker 3: Well, I think that
owner centric really expands

to the guest experience.

Uh, we've had a homeowner that
before we took over her home,

she never had a five star review.

Now that's all she has
is five star reviews.

You know, one that makes that homeowner
feel, feel wonderful that their home,

What they bought that their, their hard
earned money went into is giving success,

giving happiness to somebody else.

And I think that's so important when
we talk about that owner centric.

And this is what we're trying to get to.

This is what we want
in a premier property.

Discussing that with the homeowner, if
that's what you want to have, then we're

for you, you know, I like to say in our
business and Vegas and Henderson, there's,

you know, there's, there's two people
that there's the super big company that's

maybe turning and burning your place.

And then there's the mom and
pop shops and we're boutique and

we're boutique, but we have the.

Power and presence of an
international Casago brand.

We have the support network.

We have the backing.

We have the university.

We have just this group of owners, like
you call the 65 CEOs that we can call at

any time and communicate with each other.

Cause we're, we're all in it together.

I think that's so important.

Speaker: Ilana, you have an amazing way
in which you are really owner centric.

And I've seen this throughout,
you know, our time together.

When you meet with a homeowner, and maybe
it's part of, of your Ukrainian culture,

but it comes off so great that like,
you're really honest with them about

what the property is and what they need
to do to make sure that, that there's a

premium experience and that the reviews
and the revenue are going to be maximized.

You do it in such a kind way, but a
very straightforward way, and , it's a

very special way of being owner centric.

And maybe you could tell us a little
bit about like some of the philosophies

you have around that and what is
your approach when you come and meet

a new homeowner , looking through
their property, making sure they're

a good fit for, for your company.

Speaker 2: I'm gonna look back.

Where I come from and how I
come here to United States.

In my country, Ukraine, when you
never look for how to make money.

Only certain things, right?

Let's say I start my business
here as the figure skating coach.

The money wasn't on the radar.

For me, it was important to help
the children to learn the skills.

And for me, it was important
to work with them and teach

them and bring best from them.

And then, of course, because
I'm, I'm working, it's my

job, you get paid for that.

But the pay thing never come.

before the result.

I think that stay with me and
now I'm in a new business.

I understand it's our business, but also,
it's in me that I'm not thinking about

how to make money on that home first.

for me is how I can improve
that home first, how I can help

this homeowner to make this home
to make money for both of us.

And first of all, first is for homeowner,
how I can help them to make this home.

Work better how I can improve this home.

That's what is in my mind
when I talk to a homeowner

Speaker: When

Speaker 2: I meet them,

Speaker: It comes through that first
and foremost you have their best

interest in mind and Doing that
consistently will eventually drive

the revenue as the business grows

Speaker 3: I think she's clear when
she's with the homeowners of this

transformation like you could almost do
one of these reality shows before and

after we actually thought about that
like filming it before then filming it

after and then when the homeowner comes
in and sees and the homeowners alone is

clear with them look there's going to
be an investment because your property

was not where it was supposed to be
because it was not managed correctly.

And, um, you know, just recently
and one of the new homes we

picked up the homeowners.

You know, I just went and spent a weekend
in it, and, you know, nearly in tears

at the transformation of their home,
and now they see it and feel it, so

it's not just a space where people are
going to come in and lay their head.

It's a place that people want to
come and visit, and they feel it,

and it's the reason, you know, they
purposefully chose to go into a home

rather than just staying in a hotel.

You know, obviously more in Vegas, you can
stay, you can stay cheap, or you can stay

expensive, and Uh, but when people have a
need for staying in one of the properties,

whether it's a homes or condos, you know,
we, we give them that experience and it's

a loan is creativity, this transformation
of these properties, and I think she

uses it from her own personal experience.

Where would I want to stay?


How do I want it to look like?


Speaker: Uh, that's the, that's the genius
when I've stayed in your properties.

So I've rented at your properties before
when I've come to Vegas and one word

comes to mind as I walk in and then I walk
through the property and it's intentional.

Everything that I see in the property
from just even the way that a certain

paper is laid at a very specific
angle, , as the welcome note or

the towels are put in place or the
beds made everything's intentional.

And when you see a property that has
been cared for with high intention.

You know that you can feel
like it's been well cared for.

It's a premium experience.

I think that's what you guys bring
to the homeowners and the guests,

, through your stewardship of those
properties as we're winding down.

How does somebody get a hold
of you if they're interested in

having you manage the properties
in the Las Vegas or Henderson area?

Speaker 3: They can reach out to
us directly at 702 605 6116 or

they can email us at henderson.


Uh, you call us, email us,
we'll get right back to you.

Yeah, I know you guys
are fantastic with your

Speaker: response rates.

Thank you so much for coming out . What
a great time talking to you and we'll

look forward to talking to you again.

Thank you, Steve.

Speaker 2: Thank you.

Thank you.

Delivering Intentional Excellence

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